The Woof Pak

The Woof Pak
Our Doggie Debut

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dad Speaks | For The Love of Dogs

From my point of view, cats are nothing special. Don't get me wrong, I love cats, as I do all animals. But they are just cats. They all look the same, except color, and act the cats.

Now a dog, any dog, is something special. They love, protect, entertain and listen intently to my every word. Dogs are my best friends and companions. They live to please.

Cooper is the younger and smaller of the two Standards. As Harley and I began our marriage, she instructed me that Cooper was "standoffish" and showed no signs of "warming up" to anyone other than her and even that had limits. He remained contently six feet away from us all. With Raven's extensive vocabulary, and his ability to easily communicate with nearly anyone, it became my theory that Cooper may not be as smart as the average Standard, maybe a little "slow."

My love and caring for the two "Blues" grew, as that for my new bride. I could look into Raven's and Max's eyes and determine how they felt and what they expected from me. We freely communicated. Cooper's eyes are very dark, deep-set and give very little expression. As with many dogs, Cooper did not like to make eye contact as he might feel threatened. Having nearly no human characteristics, Cooper intrigued me even more. I had to connect with this animal. It was obvious that he was loving but why was he so aloof? After many failed attemps to draw him closer to me, my next, and maybe last, recourse was to apply "reverse psycology." I no longer looked at his face and each day I would lay on the floor, for as much as an hour, anticipating Cooper's interest and curiosity to encourage him to investigate me on his terms. As a week of this went by, Cooper began to lay next to me, closer and closer each day. Here is when Cooper realized that I may not be an alein threat. From then until now, I continue to limit my eye contact and allow him his actual space or distance. Feeling safe, Cooper and I have become inseparable. We ride in the cab of my truck; he sits outside the door of any room till I exit; he lays next to my chair as I study or eat meals. And best of all, Cooper's my lap dog as I watch tv.

I couldn't make him come to me. I just invited him. We are the best of friends.

About Cooper being a little "slow," next time I'll reveal how he fully understands the science of gravity.

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