The Woof Pak

The Woof Pak
Our Doggie Debut

Monday, February 28, 2011

Hugging A Baby, Doggie Style | Dog Humor

Instructions for properly hugging a baby
(from a dog's point of view)

1. First, uh, find a baby.

2. Second, be sure that the object you found was indeed a baby, by empolying classic sniffing techniques.

3. Next, you will need to flatten the baby before actually beginning the hugging process.

4. Ah, the 'paw slide'.....simply slide paws around baby and prepare for possible close-up.

5. Finally, if a camera is present, you will need to execute the difficult and patented "hug, smile, and lean' so as to achieve the best photo quality.

*Internet source unknow.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Dog's Ten Commandments| Dog Love

"Good day to all you wonderful humans, and any of my little furry dog buddies out there who can read.

Since I am the wise old man of my pak, I thought it was my duty (I could have said, responsibility, but Mom didn't think I could spell it) to share some thoughts with you on how we dogs like to be treated.

I promise to get back to more fun stuff, but hey once in awhile a dogs got to say what a dogs got to say. Know what I mean? It's the yin and yang of life. Some days are filled with cookies, long walks and sunshine, other days are waiting by the window for hours for Mom and Dad to come home.

By the way, I didn't write these commandments (although I could have.) Mom received them on her cyber thingy and read them to me.

Please read on (polite too, aren't I?)

Oodles of licks to you and have a woof of a day"!

A Dog's Ten Commandments:

1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.

2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.

3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being,

4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.

5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.

6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it. But, I will forgive you.

7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.

8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food? Maybe, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old and weak.

9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old. I promise not to leave your side when you do.

10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.

Enjoy and love your pets. They are a gift from God, please treat them as such!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Dog Jumped Over the Moon | Dog Lovers

"Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle, woof, woof, woof and the little dog laughed to see such a woof, woof, woof, and the phish ran away with the poon! Woof, woof, woof."

"Cooooper, you are basting my wheels, dude. I am trying to catch some zzzzzzzzzzzz's!"

"Sorry, Rave, but cept I'm stoked today. Mom gave me some of her sgetti, and it was scumdilly ump!"

" You act like a blond poodle some time, Coop. Chill out. Max is zoned too. Remeber he just had seventeen teeth pulled. Have you already forgotten that? I don't why you have to be so happy all the time anyway! You can be so annoying!"

"HEY, you guyes, sssstttooop the yakking. OOOOOOOOOHHHHH, yowl, my mouth hurts.!"

"Max, s-l-easy, we'll talk lower. S'ok, buddy we got you covered. If any UPS trucks come by or any of those loud bacon cruiser roll by we'll let em know whose the scrappers are!"


"Rave, why is Max talking so weird. He sounds like he's having a bad hair day?"

"Why do I have to explain everything to you? Man, I didn't ask for a baby brother. What was Mom thinking? Ok, bubble head LISTEN UP........MAX GOT 17 TEETH PULLED OUR OF HIS HEAD. IT HURTS. HE CAN'T OPEN HIS MOUTH TO EAT! So how's he's gonna talk clearly? GOT IT?"

"Sanks for plaining it to me, Big R. 'Zippudy do dah, zippy yeah, my, oh my, what a wunderful day. Penty of shine comin my way, zippudy do day......"


"Oh, I'm goin tell Mom! She said no baf words from you, R!"

"Do that and I rip your throat out, you little mutt! Spoons on the couch, I gotta go get a kool drink. I get so thirsty yelling at you all the time."

"Whats a guy have to do around here to have a little fun. Livin with you old guys is a draaaaggggg! Mary had a little dog, little dog, woof, woof, woof as snow!"

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dad Speaks | For The Love of Dogs

From my point of view, cats are nothing special. Don't get me wrong, I love cats, as I do all animals. But they are just cats. They all look the same, except color, and act the cats.

Now a dog, any dog, is something special. They love, protect, entertain and listen intently to my every word. Dogs are my best friends and companions. They live to please.

Cooper is the younger and smaller of the two Standards. As Harley and I began our marriage, she instructed me that Cooper was "standoffish" and showed no signs of "warming up" to anyone other than her and even that had limits. He remained contently six feet away from us all. With Raven's extensive vocabulary, and his ability to easily communicate with nearly anyone, it became my theory that Cooper may not be as smart as the average Standard, maybe a little "slow."

My love and caring for the two "Blues" grew, as that for my new bride. I could look into Raven's and Max's eyes and determine how they felt and what they expected from me. We freely communicated. Cooper's eyes are very dark, deep-set and give very little expression. As with many dogs, Cooper did not like to make eye contact as he might feel threatened. Having nearly no human characteristics, Cooper intrigued me even more. I had to connect with this animal. It was obvious that he was loving but why was he so aloof? After many failed attemps to draw him closer to me, my next, and maybe last, recourse was to apply "reverse psycology." I no longer looked at his face and each day I would lay on the floor, for as much as an hour, anticipating Cooper's interest and curiosity to encourage him to investigate me on his terms. As a week of this went by, Cooper began to lay next to me, closer and closer each day. Here is when Cooper realized that I may not be an alein threat. From then until now, I continue to limit my eye contact and allow him his actual space or distance. Feeling safe, Cooper and I have become inseparable. We ride in the cab of my truck; he sits outside the door of any room till I exit; he lays next to my chair as I study or eat meals. And best of all, Cooper's my lap dog as I watch tv.

I couldn't make him come to me. I just invited him. We are the best of friends.

About Cooper being a little "slow," next time I'll reveal how he fully understands the science of gravity.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mom Speaks | Dog Stories

Max, Raven and Cooper have done a great job telling you a tiny bit about themselves on their maiden voyage into cyberspace.  Of course, I see them as a Mom sees her children, with great love and tenderness. I can't imagine life without them, as I'm sure most dog owners feel towards their own darlings.

Our boys want to tell you about their life as dogs living with us. My husband, Skip and I want to explain how we as parents experience these wonderful beings in our family. How they've changed us and how they entertain us on a daily basis, and most of all, how much richer our lives are because of them.

You will also meet other wonderful furry friends that I have the honor of helping through my practice. Classical Five Element Acupuncture is not only for humans but also for small animals. I love treating them and they become part of my extended animal family. So, from time to time you will read and share some of their stories. We will also share stories about the adventures with our three "boys."

The Chinese have treated animals with acupuncture for thousands of years. Initially, acupuncture was used agriculturally for cattle, pigs and horses. We now use it to treat dogs, cats, horses, birds, and virtually any domestic animal. Realizing that humans and animals suffer from many of the same health problems, positive effects from acupuncture are enjoyed by all. It helps not only for physical problems but also for emotional/behavioral issues. A lessor know fact is that acupuncture can be used to keep our pets healthy. Animals respond very quickly to acupuncture. They usually love to be treated and relax as soon as the first needles are inserted.

I have been treating humans since 1996 and received my animal acupuncture certification in Maryland in 2001. Raven has been receiving acupuncture since he was six months old, as has Cooper. Max has had regular treatments since he joined the "Pak" two years ago, when he was nine years old. Max had major back surgery in 2006, which is a common problem for his breed. A year later in 2007 he had another surgery for a herniated bowel. When he joined our family he was having trouble walking and still had issues with his bowels. I am happy to report, as is his fathe, he now too gets regular treatments. At the present time he doesn't have any physical signs of ever having back problems. He jumps off the furniture, without our permission, (remember he is a "little" stubborn), chases Raven and Cooper and plays with all his and their toys.....which he loves to steal. He's even rekindled his young manhood desires with a number of his favorite "babies." One may sight that concerning Max's back surgery, " He's over the hump ".

Next up, Dad speaks.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Woof Day To You! | A Dog's Life

Well, we never thought Mom would get this done, but hello world here we are. Splendid looking, aren't we? Let me begin with introductions, after all we do have good manners. My name is Raven, I'm not the oldest, but I am the biggest so therefore I decided to go first and "they" had no choice but to agree. I was born in Maryland in March 2001. As you can see I am quite a handsome, "Blue" Standard Poodle. Oh, I don't want to hear about how some people (mainly guys) think of us as sissys because of our curly coats and smart cuts. LISTEN UP! we are NOT sissy and any of you out there who want to say that to my face, I invite you because you will change your mind in a flash. I am highly intelligent (Mom says I'm human....but hey she's my Mom.) My Dad thinks I'm a reincarnation of his Uncle Jack. I think it's a compliment, at least that's the way I'm taking it. I love people, other dogs, (as long as they know I'm boss), kids, riding in Dad's truck, outside adventures, toys, cookies....well all foods, really! As we go along and you read more about me, we'll continue with all the other cool stuff I like. You need to know right off that I don't like; UPS trucks, motorcycles, squirrels, and frogs.

Hey dude!; stop right there. This just isn't about you, big guy! I'm pretty interesting too, and I am the oldest. If you remember correctly during the last WW, we Germans had the upper hand over you Frenchies until Dwight and his boys asked us to leave. I was born in Maryland but it was in November 1999. I have never been known for my good manners, but more for my arrogance. Hey, and I'm proud of it too! Smart. You think your smart Mr. Big Shot? Well let me ask you this, who always gets the "baby" when Mom or Dad play catch with us? You bound around the house like a brontosaurus. It's so easy to grab the toy when you drop it. I  love that your so big you can't get under the bed, dinning room chairs or the kitchen table! Do you know how many "babies" I have hidden under there from you? Yeah, you're a smart guy all right! I may be small but I'm nobody's fool. You think being this short is a problem but I'm here to tell you it's a big advantage living with you two giants who think you are so adorable. Do you have any idea how much food you drop out your mouths everyday?  Well let me tell you I haven't gained three pounds in the last year because of what Mom and Dad feed me. If they only realized how much food you"blues brothers" feed me. Hows that for smart? Yeah, I'm the smart, clever one, I'm Max the adorable Dachshund. And please folks, I don't ask for much, I know most of you can't spell my breed name properly but at least stop calling me a "Datson."

Excuse me please, is it my turn to speak? Please can I speak now, guys....please, please, pretty please?
Ok, here I come. Hi, my name is Cooper. I'm the baby of the family, and so I must be the cutiest, huh? I was born in Florida in September 2006. Before Mom married Dad and Max came to live with us, there was just her and Raven. He was an only child for six years. He is my hero, my big brother and my protector.   Big Rave does loose his temper with me so it's wise for me to call him boss. When I tell on him then he's not happy with me. But, I am a really fast runner and a high jumper. Dad says I'm part kangaroo. I'm really not sure what a kangaroo is, but Dad says it and laughs so it must be good. When I was a puppy Mom had to work a lot so Rave was my mentor. He taught me all about UPS trucks, and frogs. Don't tell him, but I don't really mind mortorcycles, I just bark at them because Rave wants me to. I learned a few things on my own, but I'm not sure Mom liked them. I just loved to eat paper towels, mainly wet ones, but when I'm desperate I'll go for any of them. It's funny that after all these years I still love them. Mom says she never knew that they could go in whole and come out whole. Of course they are a little different looking coming out and sometimes they get stuck and she has to help.......oh, sorry. Raven said we can't talk about that kind of stuff on-line. Excuse me please. Ok, well did I do ok, Rave, huh, did I, please say yes, oh please say I did ok? It was my first time to talk you know? So, was it ok, come on Big Rave say it was ok? PLEASE! Can I tell them that I love veggies.....ok, I'll be quiet now.

Raven here, "welcome to our Woof Pak world. We're glad to finally have a voice, telling you all what its like to live a dogs life!"