The Woof Pak

The Woof Pak
Our Doggie Debut

Monday, January 7, 2013

All you need is love.....and a new puppy!

Shuga Bear 7/4/2012

It's so hard to believe that we haven't posted to our blog since we lost the, "Big Guy," Raven. And too, we lost Max three months later. We have spent a lot of time grieving. Cooper was affected the most;  Raven became his big brother when Cooper was ten weeks old. The void of our lose cannot be filled, as too many of you well know.

We thought long and hard about a new addition to our family and finally decided that we all needed some new puppy love.

We want you all to meet Shuga Bear. She is sweet, smart, and full of herself! We have had male dogs for quite a while, so bringing in such a "princess" has been a new experience. She is training us to her specifications, you can be sure.

Shuga Bear is a Florida girl. She was born in Melbourne, Florida and was bred by Artistic Poodles. We  call her breeder mom, Grandma Judy. Her name is Judy Billings and she is awesome! She raises her poodles with so much love that it oozes out of them! Shuga Bear is our third Standard and has been such a delight in our home. Well, most of the time she is a delight and the rest of the time she is a total diva, expecting whatever she wants, she is to get! She takes toys away from Cooper and if we attempt to show too much affection to our Cooper boy, she butts in to take the spotlight away from him.

We thought it would be interesting ( of course, she is our very own) to share her very animated life with you. To be sure there is never a dull moment!

The photo is the first time we met each other at Grandma Judy's. She's already stolen my heart with her puppy kisses!

Her first day home with her new family.

She is her Daddy's girl!

Hard to say who is happier!

Shuga's first hair cut.

Shuga resting with Cooper. It was her first attempt at jumping on the bed and making it!

She loves her big brother, Cooper! 

Shuga loves to pose for the camera!

She's growing up fast!

Shuga was six months old yesterday. She has gained a lot of confidence over the last few months, but is still shy with strangers. She warms up quickly though and then becomes their new best friend. 

She has been good for Cooper and taken him to a new place........exhaustion! She is the energizer bunny and never seems to whine down for long. 

Watch out, our girl will grab at your heart too!


  1. Shuga and Cooper are wonderful! Poodles are my favorite breed of dog. Have a wonderful day!

  2. What a pair they make! Love the pic's. Looking forward to your next post.
    Love ya!
    Pitts family
